Decision on biggering Huntingtown delayed until June 4th

BoCC halted their discussion on expanding Huntingtown Town Center across MD 4 and plan to pick it up again at the June 4, 2019 BoCC meeting beginning at 10am.  (When the meeting agenda is released after Memorial Day, it will be here and show a more precise time for this topic.  Just pop in at that time.) We urge you to attend. You can speak directly to the BoCC during the public comment period. You can also e-mail your five elected commissioners here:

Why is this important? Expanding our TC means those lands will no longer be zoned mostly residential district or rural community district. They will instead be zoned Town Center district, which can have much larger retail/commercial establishments. (Think drive through or gas station.)  Town Center district can also have much greater density housing than it’s current zoning. (Think multi-family dwellings.) How will those things affect your drive through the traffic at the MD 4 and Cox Rd interesection?

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“Can you hear me now?”

We are starting to feel like we’ve got terrible cell reception. Our Huntingtown friends and neighbors submitted 88 comments on the 2nd draft and 72 comments on the current 3rd draft of the Calvert County Comprehensive Plan.  No one seemed to ask for or want to expand Huntingtown Town Center(TC) across MD 4 at the Cox Rd intersection, yet this idea popped up in the 1st draft anyway.

The Planning Commission (PC) appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) forwarded the current 3rd draft with Huntingtown TC only expanding to include the High School property. We felt this was a slippery slope towards further expansion, and in fact we are slipping…

The BOCC agenda for next Tues 05/14/2019 has agenda item IV on the Comp Plan with a powerpoint. Check out page Huntingtown TC on page 10, where they depict reverting back to adding in all the property south of HHS to the Cox Rd intersection and south of the intersection. Who is the BOCC listening to? It does not seem to be the Huntingtown citizens that have written in comments, spoken at public hearings or participated in the workshops at the birth of this plan. See below for proposed maps.

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