The latest on Huntingtown expansion across Rt 4 per the BOCC…

This is the video recording of the BOCC and PC work session on Tues Feb 6th. (It will open in a new window). Fast forward below to the noted time stamps for Huntingtown related information.  Video of Feb 6 joint work session

32:00 – 47:00 Expansion of Town Center across MD 4 at Cox Rd: This is the most important 15 minutes to Huntingtown. Watch this! Citizen comments e-mailed in on the 1st draft are ignored in favor of one Commissioner’s personal feelings as he drives through our beautiful hometown. Why not put the proposed Fastop Gas station on northbound Rt 4 at Cox Rd instead of on Old Town Rd at the classic car business? Also find precious time wasted on digs at former Planning & Zoning staff and a Commissioner that thinks all of Huntingtown Citizens Association(HCA) thoughts are fed to us by other organizations. We can assure you that we attend all the meetings we can, research and read all the material on our own, and are not dutiful sheep following the herd.

10:00 & 17:00 Development capacity: If Town Centers are expanded can we fit the extra people and households? Where did the “only 37,000” household goal come from and why? (To avoid necessity of overpasses on Rt 4 & building a 5th high school) What if there are 9,000-15,000 additional households, which TDR program could create, bringing the number to 46,000 to 52,000 households by 2040?

14:50 & 26:00 Transfer Development Rights(TDR) if you own these listen to the program languishing, that the value of TDR’s won’t return to their intial high value when created and that the program will be sunset or retired in the future.